A follow-the-money film on thedestruction from healthcare's status quo...
And the coming redemption.
Join the Non-Partisan Revolution!
The healthcare status quo is our country's greatest immediate threat.
We need all Americans together to fix it.
We need all Americans together to fix it.
Take the Pledge
We're putting aside tired, partisan cliches to advance pragmatic solutions that work, no matter who pays.
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We all know healthcare is broken.
Most of us don't know why or that it's already being fixed.
The Big Heist follows the money to answer these questions.
It's the story of how and why healthcare's financial incentives are wasting trillions of dollars, bringing our country to its knees.
More than this, it's the story of real hope that together we can fix it.
The Big Heist follows the coming redemption, tracking people and organizations across the country and political spectrum that are already fixing it from the ground up.
Through satire and storytelling, The Big Heist will be both entertaining and accessible to everyone.
We're crushing
care providers.
Doctors, nurses, social workers, and loved ones.
We've created a system that crushes the very people we trust to provide us care.
- Physician burnout is at record levels
- Nurses are expected to perform superhuman feats
- Social workers and professional caregivers lack resources to bend the demand curve
- Family members and loved ones face a labyrinth of bureaucracy and opacity
We can do better.
The Big Heist will show how some of us already are.
The future is here.
It's just not evenly distributed yet.
The Big Heist will catalyze broad adoption of this future.
These are real-life stories of the coming redemption in action.
These are real-life stories of the coming redemption in action.
The Status Quo
As of 2009, the average family spends more than $450/mo on healthcare because of hyper-inflation.
High-deductible plans have become the norm for most employees.
The Health 3.0 Future
A single program saved a city more than $200 per employee per month. It has nearly perfect patient satisfaction.
A hotel spends 55% less overall, while it's employees get $15 copays and $0 copays on 90% of prescriptions. Plus, they pay for college for employees and their children.
Better care AND much lower costs.
Healthier people. Healthier companies. Healthier government.
This is the future The Big Heist will catalyze.
This is the future The Big Heist will catalyze.