Why produce a film?

The fixes already exist to our broken healthcare system. We need a movement to massively scale them.

We know that most big movements are catalyzed from the grassroots, and that media and film play a pivotal role in solving the most vexing problems. Why did MLK standout as a civil rights leader? A big part was his wise use of media. The tools in his day were the newspapers and the evening news. Were he alive today, he’d likely be on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and might even be using humor to reach the broad public.

Healthcare has never had a fiercely non-partisan film designed to reach everyone that points out the extent of the damage to the country and the heroes reversing that damage.

You might ask “If fixes already exist, why isn't everyone using them?” Ric Merrifield is an ex-Microsoftie who wrote RE-TH!NK A business manifesto for cutting costs and boosting innovation who correlated what is happening with healthcare to the mortgage crisis:

"The Big Short and Moneyball, had one major theme in common–in the face of a mountain of evidence, the evidence was ignored... Wall Street and regulators didn’t downgrade the credit ratings of the mortgage backed securities even when the mountain of evidence was presented to them. So why should we expect healthcare to be any different? Healthcare is in the same place at the moment. The healthcare mess in many ways is happening in broad daylight."

Did you know there are employers spending 55% less per capita on healthcare (with challenging health conditions of their employees -- e.g., 56% of pregnancies are categorized as high risk) with a benefits package that is better than what 99% of the workforce receives. They’ve invested less than 5% of what they’ve saved in their community. The result: Crime down 67%; High school graduation rate increased from 45% to nearly 100%.